
Tramah is drama and news organisation I created, focusing on drama and gossip among online gaming celebrities. Think of it as a TMZ for gaming celebrities on Twitch.

I started this in the beginning of 2016 when I became interested in this area and saw the potential for this idea. Within a few months the channel had over 20 000 subscribers, 6.5 million views and 40 videos on YouTube.

Unfortunately due to waning interest in the subject and time constraints with keeping up with the news I haven’t had a chance to put out a video for months. Here is a link to the channel and you can view one of the videos I created below:

Story of SPUNJ

20 000+


Running the Tramah YouTube channel and website was particularly interesting when the videos went viral and were trending on Reddit and YouTube. The website hosting actually crashed when of the stories hit the front page on a major subreddit.

My role in Tramah involved both writing stories on the website and making videos for the YouTube channel. Both jobs required a lot of research and keeping up to date on what was happening in the online gaming community.

Having previously tried to make a YouTube channel (unsuccessfully) it was incredibly eye-opening to see how quickly you can grow a channel if you hit the right niche and create good content.

Personal Project

Year: 2016
Categories: News, Drama, Gossip


Video Editing


20 000 + Subscribers

6 Million + Views

40 + Videos